Kundalini supported by the Mool+adhaar - All of India is the Sacrum Bone of Mother Earth

Kundalini supported by the Mool+adhaar - All of India is the Sacrum Bone of Mother Earth


Kundalini: “She who is coiled; serpent power. The primordial cosmic energy in every individual which eventually, through the practice of yoga, rises up the sushumn nadi. As it rises, the kunalini awakens each successive chakra. Nirvikalpa samdhi, enlightenment, comes as it pierces through the door of Brahman at the core of the sahasrra and enters!” Hinduism Today

“The Kundalini is your own mother - your individual Mother. And She has tape-recorded all your past and your aspirations — everything! And She rises because She wants to give you your second birth. But She is your individual Mother. You don't share Her with anybody else. Yours is a different, somebody else's is different because the tape-recording is different. We say She is the reflection of the Adi Shakti who is called as Holy Ghost in the Bible. But She rises without any difficulty. Hardly any time it takes." — Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Jesus answered, 

"Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh, and that which is born of Spirit is spirit." John 3:5-7

“Many scholars have long seen the correlation with what the East calls chi, kundalini or prana, and the Holy Spirit. Chi, kundalini, or prana are all words for the subtle energies in the body, and are all seen as manifestations of Shakti, or the Goddess (or Divine Mother). 

The Holy Spirit is the subtle force that connects us to the universe and gives us life, which is the definition of Chi, kundalini or prana (along with other terms). When we say that the union of Shiva (Divine Father) and Shakti (Divine Mother) is the whole of creation, we are also saying that the union of the Father and Holy Spirit is the whole of God... Thus, we have a working cosmology that both Eastern and Western religious traditions agree on.” (Christopher. 2002)

“The word kundalini comes from the Sanskrit word kundal, which means a "spiral" or "coil." In Yoga, Kundalini Shakti means the "coiled power." It is compared to a serpent that lies coiled while resting or sleeping.

There are numerous references to Kundalini in the sacred texts of India.

Shankaracharya, in his famous treatise, Saundarya Lahari, says: 
"The invincible Kundalini Shakti pierces the six chakras and enters its abode slowly step by step." 

In the Mundamalatantra (ch. 6), Kundalini Shakti is called the basic force of the body. 

In the Varahopanishad (5.51), Kundalini is called the supreme power.

 In the Yogashikhopanishad (6.55) it is stated that when Kundalini Shakti rises above its resting point (the kanda), the yogi attains liberation. 

In the Yajurveda, Kundalini is mentioned as a virgin energy which moves like a devoted wife and destroys all evils, and, by its slight movement, through its fiery energy, pierces all centers.

There are many other references to Kundalini in -
  • Gyanarva Tantra, 
  • Lalita Sahastranam, 
  • Laghustuti Vamkeshwar Tantra, 
  • Kshata Chakta, 
  • Nirupana, 
  • Ghetanya Samhita, and 
  • Hatha Yogpradipika 

...in which she is described as an aspect of the eternal supreme consciousness, which is both with and without attributes. In the aspect of supreme consciousness and attributes (saguna), Kundalini is often personified as an aspect of the Divine Mother, the Great Goddess. 

In the attributeless aspect (nirguna), Kundalini is the power or will of cosmic consciousness and is pure consciousness."

Chakras: Energy Centers of Transformation
Harish Johari, Destiny Books (September 1, 2000) pp. 21-2

In India, kundalini is personified as the Divine Mother: Shakti Ma, Kali Ma, or other goddesses. She is the feminine power at the base of the spine, which travels up the spine to unite with the masculine power, her consort, Lord Shiva (Shakta), in the seventh chakra, sahasrara. This union of opposites is a powerful symbol depicted in all cultures.

In the ancient scriptures, kundalini is described in three different manifestations. The first is unmanifest cosmic energy: Para-kundalini. The second is vital energy of the created universe: Prana-kundalini. The third is consciousness: Shakti-kundalini, the intermediary between the other two.

Shakti-kundalini is the link to higher awareness, the revealer of all mantras, and the eternal source of bliss flowing from sahasrara (crown chakra). Through her shristi krama (process of creation), she creates by descending from sahasrara through all the chakras. She sustains by abiding in the muladhara chakra. Through her laya karma (process of absorption), she destroys or dissolves by ascending and returning to sahasrara.

When Shakti descends to the lower chakras, she is known as jagan mohini (world bewilder) and causes maya: delusion, limitation, ignorance, and ensnarement in material life. As she descends, she becomes grosser and loses her power and subtlety.

As kundalini shakti ascends through the chakras, she becomes subtler. On her pathway upward, she reabsorbs all the creative principles that originally descended from sahasrara. This is called laya-absorption. During this homeward journey, Shakti removes the veils of maya (illusion), which evaporate like a mirage.

As kundalini ascends through the chakras, mental limitations are gradually removed so consciousness can shine in its pristine glory. Mental fluctuations settle down and the mind becomes serene. Awareness flows smoothly and the mind becomes a vehicle for bliss and happiness.

At sahasrara chakra kundalini merges with Shiva, who is identified with her. In her formless state she is consciousness. In her creative form she is Shakti, the power of manifestation.

Therefore, kundalini's descent creates increasing ignorance, bondage, and delusion. The same kundalini energy, as it ascends, causes spiritual awakening, freedom, and wisdom.”

Exploring Chakras: Awaken Your Untapped Energy
Susan G. Shumsky, New Page Books (January 1, 2003) pp. 70-1

Source - http://adishakti.org/subtle_system/kundalini.htm


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