Vishuddhi (Throat) Chakra Countries

 Fifth Chakra: Vishuddhi

"The fifth chakra (Vishuddhi) is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful detachment. It removes all our guilt and remorse when it is opened by the Kundalini, and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. The tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini."

The Vishuddhi Chakra represents that time in the evolution of humanity when the need for harmony and collective living becomes important. It represents everything to do with the cohesive nature of the human race, and the ability of the human being to rise above petty differences and strive to experience the unity of the Spirit.


One of the qualities that we need to develop for our spiritual growth is that of staying detached from the problems we face every day whilst trying to survive in the modern world. The flowering of the Vishuddhi Chakra provides us with a sense of detachment which lets us witness the Play of Life to survive in the modern world. As a result we avoid being brought down by things which seem traumatic, but are in fact simple 'events' or 'coincidences' which we must pass through to reach the Other Shore. This does not mean that we stop accepting responsibility for our actions, or that we 'give up' on life. It simply gives us a means to maintain a sense of perspective when we are faced with overwhelming, emotional situations. We become a witness of the game, and can keep a distance from our involvement and thoughts, from our planning and conditionings, from our emotions.

After our Self-Realization our ability to be a witness matures, and we see all of these things as existing outside ourselves. These things and events are not of our Spirit; they are of the external world. In this way we strip away layers of identity to reveal our fundamental and individual essences, the Spirit. 

Shri Mataji says that "we see our own acting, and the whole world becomes like a drama." In the same way Shakespeare likened the whole world to a stage, and we as actors on it.

The Vishuddhi Chakra also embodies those qualities which govern our relationship with other members of the human race. It is key to our ability to feel and respond to our own vibrations as well as others, and deepens our spiritual awareness. It gives us a sense of oneness and harmony with the Great Circle of Life. As we become One with the Whole we begin to feel the direct evidence of the subtle system on our Chakras and those of others. This is what is meant by the actualization in Sahaja Yoga, this actual evidence of our enlightenment, which we experience on our fingertips and in our bodies. 

It is a fact that, as we become a collectively conscious person, we can work on the subtle system of others simply by recording the state of their Chakras on our fingers and directing our vibrations to these areas of need as required. It is like acquiring a new perception, a natural new sense of subtle vibrations. 

This bond of humanity is the goal that seekers have been searching for over many lifetimes, and it is starting its manifestation at this point in time, not just through myth and conception, but through the direct evidence of personal experience.


The deity for this centre is Shri Krishna. He represents God in His aspect as the Eternal Witness. With absolute detachment He watches the Play (Leela) of the Cosmic drama.


The Vishuddhi Chakra has sixteen petals, each with different qualities and functions. We should avoid lying or swearing or talking excessively as this could affect the right centre. Likewise it benefits us if we use the voice for praise rather than criticism, for dignity rather than coarse frivolity. We should never be harsh or sarcastic or witty at another's expense. We should simply aim to speak from the heart. Another way this centre can suffer is in the indiscriminate use of mantras. This is especially true in regard to mantras sold as commercial commodities. These are simple sensory-dulling toys which have no relationship with our Spirit. Undergoing this type of self-hypnosis is actually anti-consciousness.


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