Shri Mataji visits China - The SuperEgo region on Mother Earth

 Shri Mataji visits China - The SuperEgo region on Mother Earth

Left Agnya present at the right temple because of the crossing of Ida and Pingala Nadi at the optic chiasma.

Left Agnya:
Qualities: superego
Gross expression: right temple
Place on hand: left ring finger
Manifestations: conditioning, memories
Causes of catch: harm to self, habits

The Agnya Chakra, sometimes called the third eye, is placed at the centre of the brain. When Kundalini passes through the chakra, our thought waves elongate so that the space between two thoughts grows wider. As the petals of the chakra open, silence blossoms in the centre and spreads outwards, pushing the thoughts to the periphery of your awareness. In thoughtless awareness, you actually feel this beautiful silence which is at the heart of creation. Just like the vibrations, this expansion of silence is a wave created without percussion. Absolute and therefore beyond causality, all you can say is that it is.

The human mind is divided into an ego (ahankara) and a superego (manas). They are the culminations of the channels of pingala and ida nadi which cross here at Agnya.

Everything which passes into the left side; memories, conditioning, all that is past, accumulates in the super-ego on the right side of the brain. Like the ego, the superego is a dead end and so overactivity of the left side makes it swell up like a balloon. This can be caused by the exercise of a highly emotional temperament, by wishing harm to yourself, by indulging in habits and so on.  For problems of this nature you should do the same as for a weak left side.

The superego is in the subconscious realm, where all your past knowledge and experience is stored. Bordering the individual subconscious is the collective subconscious and existing there are spirits of the dead (bhoots) still tied to this earth by chains of passion and appetite. Spiritualists, mediums, necromancers, work in this realm.


Hope the cells (citizens) of China are taking good care of themselves and not getting lost and lamenting in the past! You guys have to defeat the past and teach the rest of us to let go of conditionings, past memories and live in a balanced state - joyously ever after!



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