Shri Mataji at Right Heart - Germany

Shri Mataji at Right Heart - Germany

Right Heart:

Qualities: Dutiful life as a king, father, husband, gracious auspicious boundaries (Maryada)
Gross expression: Cardiac plexus (right side).
Place on hand: Right little finger.
Causes of catch: Father or fatherhood problem, emotional aggression, arrogant or inconsiderate behaviour, unlawful (anti-divine) domination.

Heart is the home of Self, Soul, Spirit, Atma, all one and meaning the same. Time and time again Her Holiness Shri Mataji has told us : “You are nothing but your eternal Spirit.” as if according to Her, Spirit is the only thing we had to become and realize, as if the rest becomes futile. Mother (physical) plays a very important role in your heartfelt emotions and this affects the quality of your seeking.

After realisation, losing our false identifications with body, mind, feelings, we really become that Spirit. With enlightenment alone we can take our attention to our heart and cleanse it. The Spirit can only manifest where the heart is open and clean and into such a vessel it pours eternal joy of perfecting the purpose and meaning of the creation, of our meaning. We have to clean our hearts through our attention, and by reciting mantras like ‘I am the Spirit’ we can gradually become that (of course, this is after realisation – before realization everything is mechanical.) Shri Mataji says, ‘What is the use of using a phone which is not connected to the mains (all pervading power)?’

At the right Heart we have embeded the auspicious and gracious boundaries by which human beings should live and be governed. These boundaries we need when we seek to know the Spirit. When the attention is not contained in any boundaries, it spreads indiscriminately like a shallow puddle on the ground. When we keep within the boundaries, it cuts deep like a river and our attention deepens within.

Pure love, which enlightens all, is the true quality of the Heart. In the unrealized state, we rarely love for love’s sake. Because of our conditioning, we confuse feelings of love with those of possession, sex and selfishness, and the object of love becomes the object of desire. Pure love is detached. It gives without interest. Like the tree which gives shade to one and all, it is without prejudice. Like the river, it just flows. Her Holiness Shri Mataji says : “I will tell you again and again that Sahaja Yoga is nothing but a manifestation of love, love, love.”


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