Mooladhara Chakra Countries

 Mooladhara Chakra Countries

Australia (Center)

New Zealand (Right)

Maharashtra (India)

Regions on mother Earth where the Mooladhara Chakra of the Virata manifests itself.


  • The presiding deity for the Mooladhara Chakra is Shri Ganesha, the Eternal Child. 
  • He is the embodiment of innocence and He guards His Mother Kundalini (Gauri) and Her instrument with great alertness and uncompromising zeal.
  •  It is He who informs Kundalini when it is time to awaken and it is His anger which produces the heat in the sympathetic nervous system if any unauthorized person tries to do so. This is the reason why so many seekers have suffered a wide variety of mental and physical ailments, some serious enough to require hospitalization.


  • The Mooladhara Chakra governs the excretory and reproductive organs, and as such has a direct bearing on the sexual aspects of the human being. 
  • There have been attempts in the past to awaken the Kundalini through sexual practice such as tantra. This is obviously very dangerous and can cause the greatest harm to the Chakra itself. 
  • If one remembers that the Mooladhara centre provides a gateway through which the Kundalini must pass, then it is easy to understand how anything which is not innocent can harm it. 
  • Sex has its place in human life as the most sublime physical expression of love within the marriage. Through this channel birth and creation continue their course. 
  • However, it is another thing to allow sex to dominate our lives and bring us out of balance.
  •  After Self-Realization one learns to develop respect and proper esteem for one's own chastity and of others. 
  • This sense of right conduct is essential for the development of our own gravity and power.
  •  It is the foundation stone of each of us as human beings, the power of incorruptible innocence.


The most effective way to clear or heal chakra problems ("catch" or obstruction) is to put attention on the affected chakra during meditation and allow the Mother Kundalini to heal. Remain in the thoughtless state while you work on the affected chakra. Always remember this quote of Shri Mataji:

“Kundalini will rise and She will cleanse you completely. Kundalini will rise and always cleanse the chakras."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Sydney, Australia, March 31, 1991

Once this is power is established no external rituals are required as catches will be healed instantly and constantly by the Mother Kundalini within. Until and unless external cleansing rituals are discarded this power will never be established. On the contrary, all these rituals only make matters worse according to Shri Mataji:

“The people who think that they can control their ego will eat less or use all types of methods to control ego. For example, someone is standing on one leg or other one on his head, all types of efforts they are doing to reduce their ego.

But with all these techniques, ego doesn't vanish. On the contrary, ego increases. Fasting, reciting the names, increases your ego. With Havans also ego increases because Agni, fire, is the right side element. Anything which is rituals increases your ego.

Human being thinks that they are alright, since they are doing these rituals since thousand years. All the wrong teachings they are still following. For this reason Sahaja Yoga is against Karma Kanda: that is rituals. No need to do any kind of Karma Kanda.

And to go to the extreme point is also dangerous. I had asked them to shoe-beat to destroy their ego and what I see that every morning all the Sahaja Yogis go in the line with their shoes for shoe-beatings. But I had asked to do this if you have ego in you.

All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga. I got somebody in France with the list of the treatments of Vashi hospital. But that was for sick people. This is the nature of human being to follow the rituals because he thinks that he can do it."

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
25 December 1997, Christmas Puja
Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India


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